Now, for those of you that want to read and run, scan on down! (said in my best Price is Right voice, by the way)
You will notice that her studies are very heavy in the arts. We decided as parents to give our daughter a solid foundation via classical homeschooling in her education in the elementary years. While we still believe in providing that strong academic focus in high school we also begin to allow our children to follow their natural talents and interests. Our youngest daughter is definitely wired for the arts! Art, music, writing, dance... They are what she lives for, and we are all too happy to provide the opportunity.
Our daughter wants to major or minor in Museum Studies with the ultimate goal of working in either an art or history museum, so she has made specific subject choices based on the recommended classes for one interested in this particular field. Like I noted in the post linked above, our daughter is an over achiever. Yes, this is a lot. However, as long as it isn't causing her stress and she is enjoying it our opinion is that we will support her in any area she would like to study. Our choices won't look like the family down the road, or across the country. It is uniquely the kid's. And I love the freedom that we have to make it her own.
God has a purpose for her talents. We just need to follow and pray.
Below is a list of our main curricula. I plan on adding reviews for each, but please don't hesitate to email me or leave a comment if you would like to discuss any of them prior to my posting them!
Grade: 9
Year: Jan to Dec 2011
(Remember, we homeschool year-round and Jan to Dec. See the linked post for more details!)
Bible: Old Testament, Genesis to Ruth
Heart of Wisdom Year One Bible
Ancient History
A combination of Diana Waring's Ancient Civilization & The Bible and Heart of Wisdom's Year One unit studies
Introduction to Composition and Literary Analysis
Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings
Novel Writing (an independent study course)
Learn to Write the Novel Way
Italian I
Tell Me More software
Music Appreciation
Discovering Music
Algebra I
Life of Fred
Bowling (1 semester)
BYU free online program
Physical Science (started 8/10 and to be finished by 3/10)
Exploring Creation with Physical Science by Apologia with additional projects
Classical Astronomy (approximately 3/10 to 12/10)
Signs & Seasons: Understanding the Elements of Classical Astronomy
Studio Art
Various local Art Classes including Ceramics and Painting

1 comment:
Ha ha...I should have looked at this page first before commenting on your THMJ post! We have several subjects in common...Ancient Civilzations & the Bible, Learn to Write the Novel Way and Apologia's Physical Science! Of course we have more of the traditional school year schedule and are half way through her 9th grade year at this point. My daughter wants to be a our plan is to focus more on her writing skills.
Looking forward to reading more of your blog!
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