The Story Behind WildCrickets
I began crocheting in 2003 as a way to keep a connection with my ailing grandmother. Unfortunately I waited too long for her to be able to teach me. However, just having her interested in my work was enough to fuel memories for a lifetime. Add to that a childhood full of sewing and needlework projects with my mother and grandmother, and I turned into a full fledged fiber addict!
I've always loved vintage and antique things. I'm always wondering about the stories behind the objects found in shops and markets, and a beautiful old pattern catches my breath. I've always been drawn to things from times past... old movies, classic stories, vintage patterns. I dream in black and white of Fred and Ginger dancing or Cary Grant dropping a sly smile! By creating with vintage items or starting with a vintage pattern I feel like I'm keeping alive these times and just for a bit I get to imagine life in the early 20th century.
I've always loved vintage and antique things. I'm always wondering about the stories behind the objects found in shops and markets, and a beautiful old pattern catches my breath. I've always been drawn to things from times past... old movies, classic stories, vintage patterns. I dream in black and white of Fred and Ginger dancing or Cary Grant dropping a sly smile! By creating with vintage items or starting with a vintage pattern I feel like I'm keeping alive these times and just for a bit I get to imagine life in the early 20th century.
Why is WildCrickets So Special?
Each Wild Crickets design is inspired by a vintage piece, started with a vintage pattern, or contains a vintage element. It is the melding of vintage and contemporary that is my playground. When possible I will do my best to include a year of origin in case you enjoy imagining the item as a slice of history as I do.
Always remember that my items are made with love and, like puppies and cookies, at times I wish that I could keep them all to myself!
Always remember that my items are made with love and, like puppies and cookies, at times I wish that I could keep them all to myself!
Why "WildCrickets?"
I've always loved crickets! Their song makes me instantly relax because it makes this city girl feel like she's at home in the country. One day I'll have my own farm full of crickets but until then I'll settle for the occasional song in the city. But in the spirit of full disclosure, as much as I wish that I had thought of the name myself it really came from my teenage daughter. She misunderstood me one day and asked why I was talking about wild crickets. I loved it so much that we kept it!
Finding WildCrickets
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