I've mentioned before that I'm a student in the Family Herbalist program over at Vintage Remedies. I love the program and the staff. The materials... hands-down one of the best that I've found (which is why I became a student!) The books available are perfect for those interested in natural living, student or not. Jessie Hawkins has come up with some amazing things over the years, and the newest program, Vintage Remedies Essentials, is nothing less than amazing! She strikes again!
Today through midnight on Wednesday, February 2, Jessie and Vintage Remedies is hosting a fantastic Giveaway in celebration of the new Essentials program! Gift certificates and copies of The Kitchen Herbal are just waiting to find a new home. So, what are you waiting for? Go read Jessie's blog, fall in love with the new program, cruise around the Vintage Remedies website, and oh yeah... don't forget to enter the Giveaway!
And for those homeschoolers out there who are attending the MidWest Homsechool Convention in Cincinnati: Be sure to check the schedule because Jessie will be speaking at the convention! I sat in on her sessions last year, and to say that you'll be walking away with useful, pertinent, important information doesn't stress enough how helpful these sessions are to your life. If you breath, eat, and have kids (just pick one of those) you'll find it applicable to your life.
Enough gushing... I'm going to make lunch!

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