So, what did I get done, you ask? Let's take it section by section. Don't worry. It won't be long. I promise. (I wasn't THAT motivated this month!)
1. Make a budget. Jan '11
3. Learn to coupon and do it! Jan '11 BLOGGED
* Ok, so I didn't get anything else done in this category since my last update. Still, things are moving forward and I have two items checked off of this list. I'm feeling pretty good about it!
1. Read through the Bible in 2011
*I haven't completed this yet, but I have included it because it's an ongoing project. I have other ongoing projects, but none as important as this. I'm struggling a bit in this area. I truly don't think that it's because of the daily reading or that I don't want to read. I love it! The reading plan isn't working for me. I'm looking at options right now of mixing it up a bit so that I can still participate with our women's ministry but read through at a pace and schedule that works for me. I'm considering using the 90-day schedule. Still processing it. I love reading daily, but having it chopped up is bothering me. I'm a "straight through till morning" kind of gal, and reading a bit of this and a bit of that is driving me batty.
*Nada, zip, zilch. I did sort through clothes for our clothing ministry at church only to find out that it is seasonal and not year-round. So, clothing went to the local Goodwill. Best of intentions... I'll get more spring/summer things organized for the next clothing drive with our clothing ministry.
7. Create a better schedule so that we have more free time in our day Jan '11
8. Create our long term course of study for the high school years. Jan '11 BLOGGED
*While we are still a long way from having a traditional start time (we usually start by 9:30am or 10am) we have found a great routine! We've broken up our day into two sections: Mornings are for the basics - literature, math, Bible, writing, etc. Afternoons are for her concentrated subject work and elective. I've blogged a bit about our new routine but it was secondary to the topic. I'll write up something about it very soon. It's working great, and I love it!
5. Visit the local art museum at least twice per month.
*Ok, so it wasn't twice. And, I shouldn't include it. We were on a good pace with plans to complete this but were sidelined by my back injury. We got one very good, very enjoyable trip in. Next month we will be victorious!
1. Begin the Family Herbalist course. Again. (done when three units have been completed) Jan '11
4. Track food in WW's online tracker daily Jan '11
5. Be a better motivator and supporter to my mom and sister in our journey toward health Jan '11
*I'm making progress! I've almost made a few other goals, so hopefully February will bring those in an update as well. I'm thoroughly enjoying my Family Herbalist course. Thoroughly! I have a renewed focus and excitement about the subject matter. I've done well with tracking. I did get off track (off track with the tracking!) this week because I have had to adjust things a bit since I'm seriously sedentary while I heal, but I'm saying this bad boy is DONE. Woosh! I've been updating, texting, emailing, and chatting with my sweetheart of a baby sister, and life is good. I'm working with mom to create more meals that better fit her needs due to her health issues. Again, life is good. I'm content with my work in this area.
3. Post two book reviews in January Jan '11 - Reviews blogged HERE and HERE
*Done! :) You can also find info and reviews linked in my "Reading" tab at the top of the blog.
*Yeah, nothing got checked off in this category. You'd think it would considering it's the second most important area. Yeah, no. What can I say. I suck. ;)
8. Post a minimum of two book reviews per month Jan '11
9. Document progress on all of my goal lists once per month Jan '11
*Still slow moving in this area, but I got my January updates/goals in since I blogged mid month! From now on I'll try to blog an update on the last day of each month. Key word "try."
WildCrickets Shop:
3. List ten new items in January - fail!
*Epic fail. I'm not sure why I lost my motivation after the holidays, but I did. I have items finished and ready to photograph, but I just didn't get them listed. (And no, there aren't ten.) I am making it a goal to focus on the shop in February. Definitely.
So there you have it! My first monthly update on my first annual Big 100 list. Now to get moving so that February's update is a tad more impressive in certain key areas. :)
What are your goals for 2011? Are you meeting them? I'd love to hear about them so that we can motivate each other!

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