Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. ~ Thomas Merton
I've had a renewed focus on art in our homeschool and in my life during the last part of 2010. I'm feeling the need to make it even more a part of my life in 2011. I think it's a way to connect with who I was earlier in my life now that my daughter isn't in the "watch me 24 hours" stage any longer. It is probably a way to connect with loved ones no longer close to me. (My uncle that passed this year was very talented in nearly any art he tried, and my best "sister-friend" back home is a extremely talented artist... and she gets paid for it! ;) Art brings me joy, and it brings me to a place of worship and praise for our Heavenly Father. I might not be good at it, but I enjoy it. I'm also focusing on JOY in 2011... and...
In 2011, I plan on...
Renewing my love of photography.
I took several classes in high school and again in college, and I absolutely lost my heart to photography. I haven't had the opportunity to spend much time on it over the years, and I miss it desperately. I've joined the masses of the quick instant photo to document my child's life. My black and white enlarger collected dust to the point that we sold it on Craig's List. My much loved Minolta needs a major overhaul. But, inside lurks a photo or two that would love to come out and play in the light. I'm starting fresh with a new digital that my mother bought me for Christmas (no fancy DSLR yet - but hopefully the budget will support it one day!), and I'm going to pretend that I've never taken photo one. I'm going to relearn the basics, practice with photo editing (I have nearly zero experience beyond the basics) and learn to love digital. I fought it for years, and now I will curtsy politely and make nice.
Learn to paint with watercolors.
Again with the memories of bygone days, but once upon a time I did take a painting class. Because I was drawn to photography more than painting I only took two very basic classes that gave me a taste of acrylic, oil, and watercolor painting. My college classes focused more on drawing than painting. I never gave it a lot of focus, but now I would love to learn. My grandmother is a very talented artist who painted in watercolors, so again it's a way to connect with her. I'm armed with some basic materials and now challenged with finding some time to practice and play!
Knit and crochet for me (not just gifts or the shop.)
I love to create things with fiber, but I have a tendency to gift it away. I am going to set up my "11 for '11" list of projects over at Ravelry if anyone is interested in joining me! (Leave your Rav name in the comments and we'll connect!) I'd love to learn some new skills to kick it up a notch. Oh, and I need to finish a few projects. But I think that is another post...
Begin sewing again.
I love to sew, and my wonderful husband gave me a new sewing machine a few years ago. A move, family illness and random life bits have kept me from giving my machine the one-on-one time it needs. (I know I keep mentioning it but when you have two losses in one year with one involving cancer and treatments it seems to really be a focus - or stumbling block - that recurs month after month.) I have stacks of fabric and patterns galore. I'm going to sew. :) I want to complete another quilt. Yes, I machine quilt. Don't judge me. <insert giggle> Again, I have made one... and promptly gifted it. Apparently 2011 will be the year of creating selfishly because I would love to complete a quilt for us to keep here. Wall quilt, lap quilt, bed quilt. I'm not picky. Just a quilt, thanks.
Rejoin the local art museum and visit. Regularly.
We used to visit our museum so frequently that the docents knew my daughter's name. They would keep stickers behind the desk to give her after she showed them what she had sketched in the galleries or in the sculpture garden. In 2011, I want to return enough that a docent knows our names.
See at least three shows this year.
We've only made it to one show a year over the last few. In 2010, it was Cats for my daughter. She loved it! This year, I would love to see one musical, one ballet, and one play. Here's hoping that I can make that goal. We used to attend our local high school's productions... more fun. My daughter loves it, and I want to instill in her that art is important. A large difference between our society and the society of the past is that the arts weren't just appreciated they were assumed. Art and music were a given part of life, even in families who weren't financially blessed. (Family music around the piano, anyone?) I dream of changing even just our family... if it is important to me then it will hopefully be important to our daughter, and her daughter, and her daughter. Our impact is great, and we can use this to share our faith, our knowledge, and our passion. Art = passion if you haven't guessed yet!
What are you going to work on in 2011? Find a passion. Art or not. Just don't tell me if it isn't art. (Just kidding!)

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