FOR TODAY, December 1, 2010
Outside my window... We had our first snow today! Well, not really SNOW, but flurries. :)
I am thinking... about the items that I need to start making for Christmas gifts, things on my to do list, and my grand need for a new laptop if I am going to continue to work online! (Restarting for the fourth time in an hour....)
I am thankful for... warm clothes! It's chilly today, and there are so many that have need. I am very thankful for my coat and sweaters this time of year.
From the learning rooms... We've gotten a bit behind with the holiday and my grandfather's passing so we're playing catch up this week! Hopefully we'll still be able to adjust our schedule to allow for a good winter break in December.
From the kitchen... Today is the first night of Hanukkah! I'll be making latkes! Yum!
I am wearing... my jammies. :)
I am creating... I'm almost finished with an angel ornament that I've been working on for a friend. It's my first custom order! I'm really excited about how it's turning out. This afternoon I'll start sewing for family gifts.
I am going... to run errands today and prep for the lighting of Hanukkah candles! We'll also start our advent readings. I dropped the ball so instead of kicking myself for missing Sunday's reading I'm going to run it Dec 1 to 25 and connect it to our Hanukkah celebration this week.
I am reading... I'm still reading Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity by Drew Brees. Still love it! I'm nearly done and hope to review it on Friday.
I am hoping... that I'll be able to make a good schedule and stick to it. I have a lot that I want to accomplish this month, and I'd love to have some down time while still getting my list checked off.
I am hearing... my dogs whining. When there is snow on the ground they want to go out constantly to play! Even a little bit of flurries excites them!
Around the house... is a mess! It's not that bad, but I have projects and school books scattered everywhere. Organization is in dire need.
One of my favorite things... Blueberry pomegranate tea. Yum!
A few plans for the rest of the week... I need to finish and add additional items to the WildCrickets shop. I need to work on organization (but I already mentioned that!) Holiday decorating needs to be tackled as well as gift construction! Books to be reviewed, blog posts to be written, and school planning top the list.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
If you'd like to read more hop over to The Simple Woman's Daybook to read about the days of others. Why not take a minute and write your own?

I'm sorry to hear that your laptop is giving you problems. I know all to well about older computers needing to be started-up over and over again. We had one of those too for awhile. Hopefully, you can get a new one in the future.
I enjoyed reading your daybook thoughts. It sounds like you have quite a full schedule of activities and tasks to complete in your home life. I pray that you can get what you need accomplished without too much stress.
Take care dear lady. :)
-Lady Rose
Thanks, Lady Rose! Hectic is a state of life, and I'm really trying to focus on organization so that I can make the best use of my time rather than making time use me up! Unfortunately it's an uphill battle. lol I did get an early Christmas present... a new laptop. I actually posted two entries to the blog in less than an hour. Oh man it's been ages since I've been able to do that! JOY! :) Thanks for the sweet comments. I always like reading them!
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