Friday, December 31, 2010

My Big Fat 100 of 2011 list

Heather over at Sprittibee has posted her Big Fat Annual List of items that she'd like to accomplish. Since I've already been making my own sort of lists I decided that I'd play along. Plus, I function best under guilt and guilt is what I'll have if I don't cross items off of my list if it is public! I'm picking 100 so that I can have 10 goals in 10 areas. It's easy, and I'm lazy. (Look at the posts below... I've already completed a few areas so I'm almost cheating.) These are listed in no particular order. I may add some things and take away as we go. Goals are meant to be changed and updated. Unfortunately I can't peg what my year will be like (oh if I could!) so it might change, grow, and mutate. I'm labeling some items complete after three months of completion. Why? Because after three months (90 days) it should be a habit and part of my regular routine. I'll check them off as I complete them! I'm borrowing Heather's key, so look for that below.

So, grab a keyboard and type out your own. Link it over on the Big Fat Annual List post and you just might win a goodie that Heather is giving away!

Steph's Big Fat Annual List (even though this the first. Pretend it's annual.)

Key: BOLD Italics = current focus that month ; Strikeout =  completed

1. Make a budget. Jan '11
2. Stick to a budget for at least three months.
3. Learn to coupon and do it! Jan '11 BLOGGED
4. Work through the Declutter Calendar for at least three months.
5. Use the Motivated Moms chore calendar to stay ahead of the mess!
6. Organize our closet. Completely.
7. Organize the craft area. Completely.
8. Create extra income
9. Meal plan every week for three months
10. Create a weekly baking plan and complete it each week for three months

1. Read through the Bible in 2011
2. Participate in one pastor-led Bible study
3. Develop a quiet time routine
4. Study and keep the Biblical holidays
5. Begin Bible study with my husband
6. Start - again - and complete the Power of a Praying Wife study
7. Complete the Power of a Praying Parent study
8. Read through my shelves (books on topics such as Holy Days, Hebrew roots of the faith, etc)
9. Begin keeping the Sabbath again
10. Read and utilize my Bible study books (How to Study the Bible for Yourself, and Discover the Bible for Yourself)

1. Cook a meal for the local Ronald McDonald House
2. Work money into the budget in order to regularly donate to our church's food pantry
3. Clean out closets and donate unused clothing to our church's clothing ministry
4. Choose one ministry to become involved in regularly at church
5. Mail already completed hats to my uncle's cancer treatment center
6. Create at least 36 hats for the cancer center (3 per month minimum)
7. Serve at least one meal at the local homeless shelter
8. Participate in Toys for Tots next Christmas
9. Renew my interest and support of our favorite missionary family!
10. Choose one ministry or organization to volunteer with regularly with the kid (her choice)

1. Organize all of my materials (master list)
2. Create my record keeping system for transcripts
3. Plan three field trips for older students.
4. Write our goals for our daughter's education.
5. Continue our focus on the arts (links to my art goals)
6. Visit three college campuses
7. Create a better schedule so that we have more free time in our day Jan '11
8. Create our long term course of study for the high school years. Jan '11 BLOGGED
9. Prepare and utilize all of the information available at convention wisely
10. Journal, record, and photograph our homeschool life each month. (Completed after three months)

1. Learn to use my camera. Fully.
2. Learn to paint using watercolors.
3. Complete my "11 in '11" list on Ravelry
4. Sew a quilt
5. Visit the local art museum at least twice per month.
6. Attend one musical.
7. Attend one ballet.
8. Attend one play.
9. Truly study the life and work of one artist.
10. Work on at least two hand-stitching type of projects.

1. Begin the Family Herbalist course. Again. (done when three units have been completed) Jan '11
2. Form a habit of exercising at least three times a week.
3. Establish a regular bedtime routine/schedule.
4. Track food in WW's online tracker daily Jan '11
5. Be a better motivator and supporter to my mom and sister in our journey toward health Jan '11
6. Lose 10 pounds (total)
7. Lose 20 pounds (total)
8. Lost 40 pounds (total)
9. Maintain weight loss for three months
10. Buy one new (or new to me!) clothing item EACH MONTH

1. Read one non-fiction title.
2. Read one fiction title out of my norm (scifi?)
3. Post two book reviews in January Reviews blogged HERE and HERE
4. Read one book on crafts as a business
5. Read one book on blogging
6. Read one homeschool book
7. Read one book about Christian marriage principles
8. Read one book about Christian homeschool principles
9. Join a book club
10. Read one book about health (that isn't required in the FH course)

1. Make time each day to talk with just my daughter
2. Make time each day to talk with just my husband
3. Call my sisters once a week. Each.
4. Choose one new person to write to each week. A real letter. On paper.
5. Have coffee once a month with my mom
6. Have a weekly date with my husband
7. Begin genealogy work again with mom and uncle
8. Start a card/game night
9. Paint the kid's room.
10. Don't let winter weather stop me! See my dad/stepmom at least two times over the winter.

1. Create a blog calendar for three months.
2. Blog according to my schedule - as scheduled - for three weeks
3. Redesign the blog so it isn't so slow to load!
4. Have a banner, buttons, and logo created.
5. Become a regular reader on my favorite blogs
6. Understand and utilize statistics, etc
7. Blog the good, the bad, and the ugly.
8. Post a minimum of two book reviews per month
9. Document progress on all of my goal lists once per month: Jan '11
10. Learn how to blog WELL

WildCrickets Shop:
1. Redesign the shop banner
2. Understand and utilize social media
3. List ten new items in January Epic FAIL!
4. List ten new items in February
5. List ten new items in March
6. Clarify my goals for the shop
7. Create a plan for items, styles, designs (lines to be listed at certain seasons, etc)
8. Become a better team member
9. Attend one or more Etsy Virtual Labs per week
10. Understand and utilize Google analytics


KarenW said...

Impressive list! I like how you have it organized into different categories.

Steph @ Wild Crickets said...

Thanks! I have to have categories or my eyes swirl. I love lists. They make me happy. Categories are like lists on steroids. lol Now to see if I can stay as motivated in July as I am in January!